- ESRG-Guidance "End of Waste" (January 2022)
- Analysis of the interface between chemicals, products and waste legislation and identification of policy options (July 2017)
- ESRG Members Code "End of Waste - Achieving End of Waste" (February 2017)
- Common position paper of RRIC (Recovery and Recycling Industry Chain) i.e. the associations ESRG, EUROMETREC, FEAD, G.E.I.R., EuPR (Sept. 2011)
- The importance of organic solvent recycling to industrial businesses in the European Community (May 2010)
- Draft ECHA guidance on waste and recovered substances – ESRG request a written input to the ECHA PEG meeting of 22 January 2010
Relationship between REACH legislation and waste legislation
Joint submission by ESRG / BDE / BVSE / BDSV / BRB with a focus on the (re)use and recycling of waste-derived materials (Sept. 2008) - ESRG-Response and Statement of Concern regarding the 4th Meeting of the Competent Authorities REACH - Item 6: Waste and Recovered Products (July 2008)
- REACH Waste life Stage Emission Calculator Organic Solvents (Dec. 2007)
- Background document
- Emission calculator graphics (separate)
- Emission calcualtor (Excel xls) - REACH and Solvent Recycling (Nov. 2004)
Recycling Chemicals - The ecological and economic advantages of solvent recovery